Sunday, November 28, 2010


This has happened many times on this visit, I sit absorbed in my book, or my work or my mundane musings and then hear a bird call and look up to see the marvel which surrounds me. How can it be? Deep inside my mind it is dark and textured, somewhat cartoon-like in the internal balloon vision. It keeps shocking me, the mountain, the lake, the scent of the moist gardenia out the window.

Being surrounded by so many short and beautiful people I feel like a pale freak, the ancient abuelos on the street, less than 5' tall and thin and brittle but tough as the dry leaves on the avocado tree that rattle in the wind. The scenes in the street so much chaos and dust, sweetness and need.

I find the sites and sounds don't startle me as much as they used to, a good thing? What will tomorrow bring and can I open my mind to blur the line between internal and external....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Randomness, when thoughts are left alone they seem to jump around. Such out of control little things, need to be harrnassed and put back to work. So happy you are there, being free.
your friend in Brooklyn