Tuesday, November 9, 2010

pups in the calle

On this street I often come across these same 3 dogs curled up for their afternoon nap. In fact, I don't know if I've ever seen them up and roaming around! It is one of the few quiet streets where a dog can actually sleep unmolested. It is the back road to San Ju Yu, the boat launch. This next is the vinery growing on the walls here, bouganvillea and orange trumpet vine (Pyrostegia venusta). This shot doesn't do it justice because I was taught to not put pink and orange together but it totally works. I'll try again tomorrow for a better shot if it is cloudy the colors will translate better.
This is a shot of Brazilian Red Cloak or Red Justicia (Megaskepasma erythrochlamys) in full show these days mostly in the fancy gardens around town here in Panajachel. It is grand to see these plants familiar to me as potted plants growing as shrubs and trees in the ground. I get clues about their care by observing them in a more natural habitat. Okay a garden isn't totally natural but it is a step closer.

I'll end with a photo taken after a large boat landed at Santa Cruz with many people heading up to the town's central square for some celebration. If you can note many of the women in their beautiful huipils (hand woven blouses) and cortes (skirts). And of course Abuela with his jazzy straw hat and the ubiquitous tuk tuk!

Chuwa'k chik!

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Unknown said...

Greetings Ellen, I'm beginning to get a sense of your surroundings. Can you give me some coordinates so I can google you from space?

Ellen said...

if you put in Lake Atitlan Guatemala and then go to Panajachel the town at one end closest to Solola that should get you there....

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