Monday, February 11, 2008

Wind makes me crazy.

Wind blowing hard all night long, sounds like a freight train running at top speed directly at the front of the little propagation house. I don't sleep well on nights like this, waiting for the alarm to go off, wondering if I will know how to fix what ever is broken when the alarm goes off. It is just howling. You know it is cold when the arborvitae are black green, standing like frozen soldiers and the rhododendron are all hunched in, curled leaves dancing around. My favorite oak tree is waving and rattling like a Shaker dancer. I wonder what life is like when hard weather doesn't make you fret and fume. This is the part of horticulture/agriculture that you don't learn about until you live it. We are at the mercy of the elements. You have to do your work to plan, build and maintain accordingly and then it is up to faith.
It's Monday and that means seed day. Any seed crops for week 7 get started today, we fill our seedling trays with a peat perlite germination mix, get them nice and moist and then in goes the seed. These weeks that are early in the season are the nice because we still have space! We have some perennial plugs arriving later and will be opening up the big greenhouses for the planting season. That means cleaning, fixing, and getting all the systems ready to roll.

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