Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2011 Catalog is now ready

What a lotta snow we've been getting. Last week we had to shovel and scoop off the snow on the hoop houses to keep them from collapsing! That was fun! This weekend I had to shovel off roofs at my home to keep the water out, more fun. I almost launched myself off the roof into a snow bank, at least I hope it would have eased the landing.

The catalog is out, but it is only in pdf form (no paper copies) so if you are reading this and would like a copy send me a note. I am trying to save paper and mailing costs to offset the cost of transitioning into a biodegradable planting pot. It is made of coconut coir fiber. We are excited about it but do see some issues with the soil filling. It's always something. It will be great for the plants because there is no transplant shock/root damage and when they are planted they will be very happy, and then at the end of the season the compost pile will be happy too.

Here is a closeup of the nice root growth. Another exciting thing is that these pots do not wick like the old peat pots AND they don't turn into a slimy mess that you don't want to touch! I'm off to batten the hatches against this lovely temperature drop. More later.....