Monday, March 2, 2009

More Snow Ding Dang It

More snow again. I hope this is the last of it, the chickens are upset, they don't like to walk on the snow so I shovel out a path for them to scratch on. It was decidedly spring-like on Friday. The pansies are all planted and so are the grasses. Opening the Eliot greenhouses went smoothly until Oscar the Grouch (our pet name for the alarm) wouldn't cooperate. We have been busy planting and propagating and a large order of unrooted cuttings came in last week, they look great. Here is the dream team in full cleaning mode last Wednesday. The ritual is satisfying, and a bit easier this year since I recovered all the big houses last October so all Katie and Kathy had to do was swab the decks again. I actually followed Katie's suggestion (photo right) and did a more thorough job of putting things to sleep last fall.

We did a side project for our menageries and planted up some wheat grass for the cats to graze on. Here is Minnow enjoying her treat last week before this snow hit!

Cuttings are filling the prop bench up and another 2500 to stick this week, the intricate choreography of my little greenhouse has already begun. The pansies went out for potting, the cool crop cuttings moved to that spot, the new cuttings were stuck and put on the mist. This constant rotation will continue until April when we are busting at the seams and taking risks by putting other crops outside under remay.

Seeds are germinating on time and for the moment we are on target! I just finished snow blowing all the paths for the fuel deliveries, chicken tending, and Mora's night time path off the back porch!