Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Well, I don't know what happened, time flies when you are growing plants. We had a great season, weather was excellent and the plants were all wonderful this year. I have great women helping me and we really produced! June brought the usual exhausted planting of the MUMS. The timing on that crop is so painful when we are all planted out and need to crank out another 4000 pots!

Those honey bees really outdid themselves, the original hive number 1 produced over 60 lbs. of honey! The new split spent all season getting themselves organized. They've all been put to bed with their fall feeding and winter doors installed.

I am getting ready for a trip to Lake Atitlan. This year I am committing to a Spanish intensive class and have been priming here with the local adult ed. This is the year I am branching out of present tense! Por fin!

Bye for now, it's off to see what's happening with the election.